Roman Gradual

The Graduale Romanum is the hymn book of the Catholic Church. It includes all the pieces of Gregorian chant, which is to sing at the celebration of the Mass of Schola and Kantor, in square notation. The corresponding book for the celebration of the Divine is the Antiphonary.


The after the Council of Trent 1577/78 by Palestrina and Annibale Zoilo prepared edition of the Graduale was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII. not released for printing and only appeared in Private Print (Venice 1580 et passim ): A first authentic edition of Graduales, the Medicæa, is attested from 1614.

Pope Pius X published on 22 November 1903, the Motu Proprio Tra le sollecitudini in which he allocated Gregorian chant a higher profile within the show. As a result of this letter, a new edition was published in 1908 by the Vatican (Editio Vaticana ), which is very similar to the findings of the Benedictines of Solesmes leaning ( André Mocquereau ). The liturgical books of the Benedictines of Solesmes were some holidays were dropped to 1973 in use, when in the course of the liturgical reform and had to be adapted to the needs of the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium lyrics. A new edition of the Benedictines ( also with rhythmic characters) dates from 1973 and has been published by the Abbey of Saint Peter at Solesmes. She is also published in a the neumes of the manuscripts of Laon and St. Gall or Einsiedeln amended version as Graduale Triplex.

The Second Vatican Council called for in the Constitution " Sacrosanctum Concilium ," No. 117, a critical edition of the books of Gregorian chant. 2011 appeared for this purpose, the Graduale Novum. Magis critica Editio iuxta SC 117 with his first band " De Dominicis et Festis " ( Regensburg in 2011, with the imprimatur of the Archbishop of Salzburg). It explicitly takes into account the progress of the liturgical- musical studies on Gregorian chant and compliments the square notation of most pieces with adiastemischen neumes. The Graduale was prepared by a working group of the International Society was founded in 1975 for studies of Gregorian chant ( ISCGre ) and may be considered official edition.

The Kyriale Romanum contains an extract from the Graduale.
