Romanization (cultural)

Romanization refers to the adoption of the Latin language and Roman civilization by others, most subject peoples. Romanization here means essentially a linguistic and cultural adaptation under task or alter their own cultural forms.

Romanization was often worn by veterans of the auxiliary troops, which originally were even locals, but were given the status of a Roman citizen and hence a native (which is also a member of the same tribe or people of auxiliary veterans was mostly earlier) got married. This meant that the woman and the successor of the veterans were also Roman citizens. Important beside it was the role of the local upper classes, who adapted early to the Romans to win in this way participate in the rule.

The expansion of the Roman Empire did not have anywhere Romanization result. In the eastern Mediterranean to the found of the Romans Eastern or Hellenistic culture forms have claimed; about the dominance of the ancient Greek culture was too large. You could even influence the Roman culture. Romani Siert have become the northern and northwestern regions of Europe who did not own sophisticated culture of writing at the time of their conquest.


Romanization began in the third century BC, but was usually not a scheduled process: cases in which the Romans pushed forward even targeted as Gnaeus Julius Agricola in Britain as did according to Tacitus (. Tac. Agric 21), were exceptions. More often, the initiative came from the subjugated itself, however, was welcomed and encouraged by the Romans. Also in the first / second Century AD greatly increasing urbanization of western Europe promoted the romanization essential because the cities an imitation of Rome in the little ones were and thus the peoples affected by the temples, theaters and arenas, anglichen their lifestyle of Roman culture. Away from the cities, pre-Roman traditions, however, kept much longer in general.

In a narrower sense the word denotes only cultural developments up to the Early Middle Ages ( about the Romanization of the Frankish elite in late antique Franks ); in a broader sense takes French and Spanish sphere of influence in Africa and South America, this process sometimes up today to.

Points, which led primarily to Romanization, were particular:

  • Residential and public buildings are built ( thermal baths, places of worship )
  • Imitation of Rome → building boom, founding of towns
  • Certain events ( gladiator fights, etc.) are popular
  • Language, law and religion are matched to the Roman relations → other cultures and views are marginalized ( unification )
  • Veterans and traders brought Roman cultures in conquered provinces