
The Rompetrol Group N.V. is a multinational company with headquarters in Amsterdam. The company is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange share index BET 10. Rompetrol is presently led by Dinu Patriciu (CEO). The company owns the oil refinery in Năvodari, Romania. The company was founded in 1974. Currently, Rompetrol produces around 14,000 tonnes of crude oil per day. Furthermore acquired Rompetrol 1999, the company Vega Refinery. In December 2005, Rompetrol acquired the French oil company Dyneff SA and thereby took over the infrastructure of the oil refineries and gas stations of Dyneff. The company Rompetrol is 100 percent of the holding company Rompetrol Holding SA controlled.

In August 2007, the Kazakh company KazMunayGas acquired by Dinu Patriciu 75 percent in Rompetrol for around 2.7 billion U.S. dollars.
