Ronald C. Arkin

Ronald Craig Arkin ( born September 1, 1949) is an American scientist in the field of robotics and robot ethics. He is a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Ronald Arkin became known to a wider public through its carried out on behalf of the U.S. Department of Defense since 2006, research on the regulation of the use of lethal force by autonomous systems. The objective of this basic research in the military robot development is the production of an " artificial conscience ", that is an artificial intelligence that acts according to ethical principles and legal regulations in military operations.


  • Arkin, RC, 2009. Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Systems, Chapman and Hall imprint, Taylor and Francis Group, Spring published in 2009
  • Arkin, RC, 1998, Behavior -based Robotics, MIT Press
  • Arkin, RC, 1987, Towards Cosmopolitan Robots: Intelligent Navigation in Extended Man-made Environments, University of Massachusetts Amherst