
Rongo (also Rongo - mā - Tāne ) is in the mythology of Māori in New Zealand, the god of agriculture, the cultivated food plants can thrive. He is a direct son of the celestial couple Rangi and Papa, Father Sky and Mother Earth. Rongos name means in the language of Māori ' peace '.

Rongo itself is God of agriculturally cultivated food, in particular the kumara, so the sweet potato, the club lilies and others. Rongos brother Haumia - tiketike however, is the god of unbridled food. Both live under her mother Papa, the Earth Mother to protect after they had to look before her angry brother Tāwhirimātea protection.

Rongo abhors bloody sacrifice. He loves singing and festivity.

Elsewhere in Polynesia

In Tahiti it is called Ro'o, Hawaii Lono. See also Hawaiian religion.

On Mangareva, he became the god of rain, which is reflected in the rainbow.
