Roraima mouse

The Roraima mouse ( Podoxymys roraimae ) is a living in South America rodent species from the group of the New world.

Roraima mice reach a body length of about 10 centimeters, the tail is just as long. The fur is long and soft, it is dark colored. The ears are partially hidden in the fur, the eyes small, the front claws are long.

These animals live in northern South America, they are located in the area of Mount Roraima Tepui in the triangle of Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil. Little is known about the way of life.

Overall, only six copies of the Roraima mouse were found, five in the first series in 1929 and another in 1992. IUCN lists the species as threatened not, but that is out of date.

The systematic position is not precisely known. Morphologically, the way a link between the South American field mice ( Akodon ) and the grave mice ( Oxymycterus ) dar.
