Rosh Hashanah (tractate)

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew ראש השנה, German " beginning of the year " ) is a treatise of the Mishnah in order Mo'ed ( feasts, feast day ).

Content and structure

The treatise dealt with in two parts questions to Calendar beings ( 1.1 to 3.1 ) and the liturgy on New Year's ( 3.2 to 4.9 ). The first Mishnah defines four different beginnings of the year: On the 1st of Nisan in the canned cycle and the era ( the Kings), 1st of Elul, in view of the tithing of cattle, on Tishri 1 for the beginning of the " civil " year and at 15. Shevat, the New Year of the Trees. This is followed by definitions about the way the moon observance. At the time of the Mishnah, the definition of the calendar va taught after the observation of the initial month, although the correction or in doubt, calculations were on hand. The Mishna treats provisions on the following questions:

  • When did activities related to the observation takes precedence over other festivals
  • Which observation is counted as
  • Which witnesses are admitted to the moon observation
  • What will the result of decision made ​​known

Mishnah 2.9 includes a famous episode about a dispute between Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua terms of calendar calculation, after which Rabban Gamliel forced his opponents to recognize the calculation Calendar of Gamaliel, and even to profane the Yom Kippur ( according to its own calculation). It is here clearly expressed the principle that in matters of worship, the community or community- going definition in doubt, take precedence over a single opinion that the social peace calls for the insistence on their position on the line.

In the second part of the treatise following topics are discussed:

  • As must the shofar
  • How has done to the blowing of the shofar
  • How is the liturgical order on New Year's

Chapter 3 ends with a aggadic view, as is common for conclusions of tracts, so that you can take one original conclusion of the treaty here, especially since the first Mischnajot thematically occupy a special position in Chapter 4: You treat a number of Taqqanot / modification rules Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai after the destruction of the temple ordered.
