Ross Lee Finney

Ross Lee Finney ( born December 23, 1906 in Wells, Minnesota, † February 4, 1997 ) was an American composer.

Finney was a student of Howard Ferguson, Nadia Boulanger and Alban Berg. From 1927 to 1947 he was professor of music at Smith College in Northampton / Massachusetts, then to 1974 at the University of Michigan. There he founded in 1968 a research institute for contemporary music.

He composed four symphonies, two piano concertos and a violin concerto, a concerto for percussion and orchestra, chamber music, piano and organ pieces, cantatas, choruses and songs as well as a stage play for soloists, speaker, Folk Song Singer with electric guitar, mixed choir and orchestra.

  • Composer of classical music ( 20th century)
  • American composer
  • Born in 1906
  • Died in 1997
  • Man