
Rostest (Russian Ростест ) is the largest certifying organization on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main goal is the metrological state control. This will be achieved by Rostest, as well as the uniformity of measurements in industry, healthcare, communications systems, commercial, military defense, in the process of counting and resources in nature conservation and other economic activities.


Rostest carry out the checks, calibrations, testing various measurements of type approvals and the validation of testing.

Certification in Russia

In order to allow the import and export of goods into Russia, it is necessary to develop permissive documents. The main objective of Rostest is the development of permissive certification documents. The institutions that cooperate with Rostest in Russia, the Russian technical regulation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES ), the Russian Ministry of Consumer Supervision and RRIS (Russian Research Institute of Certification ).

After obtaining the necessary certificates Russian foreign companies to submit their products with the required documents and thus save money for distributors. If earlier distributors and Russian buyers of foreign products acquired, the certificates had to be provided by them. Nowadays most want Russian customers that the products possess the necessary certifications already.

The ROSTEST certification center cooperates directly with the manufacturers and the certificates are created by different certification systems. This allows the transfer of the certificate copy to a Russian buyer or dealer.
