Roswell, Little Green Man

Roswell - A green body on earth (Original Title: Roswell - Little Green Man) is the title of one of Bill Morrison, the chief draftsman of Simpsons Comics, created comic book series about a crashed on Earth in the Roswell incident aliens. The comic started in 1996, but was already set back in 1999. The series was published at Bongo Comics in the U.S., Germany took over this is the Dino -Verlag. Between October 2000 and February 2001 published in German as three booklets and in the summer of 2001, a paperback, in which all six released in the U.S. editions, including the four-part history of Roswell are included.


In 1947, crashes near Roswell (New Mexico ) from a UFO from the planet ZOOT. The inmates are critically injured, only a passenger remains intact and manages to get to safety before the approaching military police. In a roundabout way it enters the caravan of Julienne Fryes, a diner- operation from Roswell, with which he experienced by chance a mind meld. Now he can speak and understand Juliennes language, just as conversely his. In the further course of action a friendship between the two and the aliens, who now " Roswell " is the name arises in using Julienne and her friends embark on the search for a path that leads him back home.
