Round city of Baghdad

33.348844.335286111111Koordinaten: 33 ° 20 ' 56 "N, 44 ° 20' 7" E

The round city of Baghdad (originally: City of Peace arab, :. Madinah al -Salam ) is according to the Islamic historian al-Tabari one built by the Abbasid rulers of Al - Mansur from 762 city with two circular ramparts and four gates, in which also the House of Wisdom was. Mosque and palace were in the middle. The site was chosen traffic reasons, it was the new capital of the Islamic Empire, which became the Baghdad and later prospered under the new rulers. - About the origin and meaning of the round shape, there are several theories that are in agreement that it should represent Al- Mansur's claim to power.

Whether At- Tabari's true descriptions, however, is controversial because there is no archaeological evidence of this city. It could be a legend and a reminiscence of the Roman city of Hatra, the round fortifications possessed. The authenticity of the " round town " was suggested by a reconstructed plan of the archaeologist Ernst Herzfeld, which was reproduced in numerous publications since the early 20th century, but is not based on finds, but only on At- Tabari's exact specifications. However, a proven circular plan, the city was built on the model of capital from 772 Al- Rafiqa (now al-Raqqa ).
