
Roundhouse Kick ( jap: mawashi geri -, kor: dollyeo chagi ) is the generic term for circular footwork performed in martial arts, in which Fußstöße and kicks are used. The objectives of the roundhouse kicks are head, body or thigh. Is hit with balls, clamping or shin.

In this technique, you stand on one leg angles to the other leg and stretched it then quickly vigorously, so that the foot is moving in an arc towards the target. In the final phase of the foot is moved horizontally and meets the target of the page.

The roundhouse kick is different from traditional mawashi geri - by the conclusion. During the mawashi - geri, the foot is withdrawn after the execution, which should be taken when the failure to achieve the objective, it is accepted at the roundhouse kick in case of no meeting depending on the martial art that the foot continues its movement and the fighters themselves if necessary. a rapid rotation brings back into position, eg when Brazilian kick, which is also a roundhouse kick.
