The ROV KIEL 6000 is an electric, unmanned scientific underwater robot (ROV ) QUEST series from the company Schilling Robotics, Davis, California. It belongs to the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel ( GEOMAR) and was designed for use in deep water. It may be remote-controlled via a deep-sea fiber. The name is derived from the hometown of the ROV and the maximum depth of 6000 m. This roughly corresponds to an availability of 90 % of the seabed. The system relies on a high mobility and can be used on so-called "Ships of Opportunity ", when these fulfill certain requirements ( dynamic positioning, size and stability of the working deck, hoists, power supply ). The procurement of the ROV system was carried out with funds from the Schleswig -Holstein funds.


ROV KIEL 6000 is designed as a work class ROV and intervention - and is characterized by the following properties:

  • Two manipulators with 5 or 7 degrees of freedom allow for different sampling procedures.
  • Digital cameras on pan-tilt heads are used for optical mapping.
  • By Station -Keep and autopilot modes maneuverability decimeter is achieved under flow conditions of up to 2 knots.
  • The digital telemetry (DTS ) enables real-time data transmission in the gigabit range.
  • Ability to integrate additional scientific sensors and devices via so-called " nodes ", each with 16 ports.
  • A module carriage ( Toolskid ) with up to 100 kg payload allows the use of various scientific devices.

Technical specifications


ROV KIEL 6000 is used in the context of multidisciplinary scientific projects (eg in " The Future Ocean" ) as well as for building inclusive long-term ocean observing systems (Ocean Observatories ).
