The Results Only Work Environment ( ROWE ) is a human resources management strategy, which was developed by Jody Thompson and Cali Ressler. Employees will no longer be paid for a certain number of hours of work, but rather for a specific work product. Thompson and Ressler led this strategy in the U.S. electronics retail chain Best Buy and subsequently founded the consulting firm CultureRx. The strategy was subsequently introduced in the second-largest U.S. American retailer Gap Inc. and the Girl Scouts of San Gorgino, JA Counter and Associates and in the IT department of Fairview Health Services. ROWE is detailed in Dan Pink's bestseller Drive: The Surprising Truth About What described Motivates Us.


ROWE means practically any person can carry out their work at any time at any place, as long as the work result is correct. There is no compulsion to spend working in the office when a task can be completed at any other place.

  • No fixed working hours
  • High level of employee satisfaction
  • Concentration on defined goals
  • Measurability of the results is not possible sometimes
  • Leadership can be difficult
  • Employees communicate with each other is more difficult