Royal Academy of Dutch language and literature

The Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal -en Letterkunde (Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature Studies; abbreviated KANTL ) is a Flemish association that was founded in 1886 with the aim to promote the cultural and literary life in Flanders.

By 1974, the association called Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Taal -en Letterkunde (Royal Flemish Academy for Language and Literature ) was known. Then decided the Cultuurraad voor de Nederlandse cultuurgemeenschap ( Cultural Council of the Dutch cultural community ), the predecessor of the Flemish Government, the language that is spoken in Flanders, officially called Dutch.

The Academy was the first official establishment of Belgium, which has been employed in a scientific way with the Dutch language.

The Flemish Academy played a major role in the emancipation of the Flemish in Belgium and influenced the Flemish Movement in the field of culture. Politically, the Academy has remained neutral since time immemorial.

The Academy consists of 30 regular members and 25 foreign honorary members since 1939. The Secretariat and the library of the Academy are in the King's Road ( Koningstraat ) in Ghent.

The Academy awards every five years a prose Price ( Prijs Proza KANTL ), which is awarded with € 6,250.
