Rüdiger Schmidt-Grépály

Rüdiger Schmidt- Grépály ( born July 13, 1952 in Bad Oldesloe, Schleswig -Holstein ) is a German cultural manager and head of the college Friedrich Nietzsche the Klassik Stiftung Weimar.

Research and academic career

After graduation in 1972, he studied until 1980, philosophy, political science and literature in Kiel, Freiburg and Marburg. In 1980 he received his doctorate with a study of the early works of Friedrich Nietzsche with Professors Hans Heinz Holz, Gert Mattenklott and Catherine Kant hack to the doctor of philosophy. From 1983 to 1985 he worked in Florence as a scholarship holder of the German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mazzino Montinari that since the sixties issued the first genuine Nietzsche edition because of his studies in Weimar.

Schmidt- Grépály worked as a lecturer in philosophy at the Universities of Florence, Kiel, Oldenburg, Bremen (until 1997), Jena and Weimar ( since 1998). From 1989 to 1995 he was at the University of Oldenburg at Rudolf Prinz zur Lippe philosophical Managing Director of Karl Jaspers lectures on issues of the day. Schmidt- Grépály worked in 1994 at the Bremer Theater together with the pioneer of German dance theater, John Kresnik. In addition, Schmidt- Grépály also has the radio program " double head " moderated on hr2 at irregular intervals with interlocutors such as Nike Wagner, Almos Csongár or Ágnes Heller. 1999 Schmidt- designed Grépály under the title " I'm not human, I'm dynamite " ( Friedrich Nietzsche) a Nietzsche evening in Brussels. Than formal contribution from the Free State of Thuringia within the framework of the German Presidency of the European Union The Nietzsche -enactment took place with the actors Silvia Fink and Harald Schwaiger from the German National Theatre in Weimar and Luise Härtwig, graduate of the Music School Weimar. The piece was, inter alia, in connection listed in Weimar, Naumburg, Munich and Lyon.

Founding of the college Friedrich Nietzsche

With the idea of the "Villa Silberblick " the legendary former Nietzsche Archive, to create a place for free spirits in Nietzsche's sense, Schmidt- Grépály 1992 came to Weimar. After he first worked as a freelancer for the Foundation of Weimar Classics 1993-1999, Schmidt- Grépály became head of the college Friedrich Nietzsche in October 1999. For his initiative for the creation and development of the College him 2002, the "Premio Internazionale Federico Nietzsche" by the " Associazione Internazionale di Studi e Ricerche Federico Nietzsche" (Palermo, Italy) was awarded. Shortly after the 10th anniversary of the college, it was awarded the "Weimar in January 2010 - place of diversity ."

Publications (selection )

  • Nietzsche Nietzsche. Works last hand. Edited by Rüdiger Schmidt- Grépály. L.S.D., Göttingen 2013. (Announced )
  • Nietzsche for Beginners: Also sprach Zarathustra. A Literary Introduction by Rüdiger Schmidt and Cord Spreckelsen. 8th edition. dtv, München 2010, ISBN 978-3-423-30124-4 (translations into Italian and Korean )
  • On Nietzsche's balcony. Philosophical Contributions from the Villa squint. Edited by Rüdiger Schmidt- Grépály. Bauhaus University, Weimar 2009, ISBN 978-3-86068-395-8. (Series: Writings from the College of Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • Introductory text with Cord Spreckelsen audiobook Nietzsche for Beginners: Also sprach Zarathustra. read by Martin Umbach. Complete Media Verlag, Grünwald, 2008.
  • Friedrich Nietzsche: typewriter text. Complete Edition. Facsimiles and critical comment. Published posthumously by Stephan Guenzel and Rüdiger Schmidt- Grépály. Publishing the Bauhaus University, Weimar 2002, ISBN 3-86068-396-9.
  • Nietzsche on Christianity. Theological Perspectives According to Nietzsche's proclamation of the death of God. Edited by Daniel Mourkojannis and Rüdiger Schmidt- Grépály. Schwabe, Basel 2004, ISBN 3-7965-1922-9. (Series: Contributions to Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • Nietzsche in exile. Transitions in contemporary thought. Edited by Steffen Dietzsch and Rüdiger Schmidt- Grépály. Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar 2001, ISBN 3-7400-1157-2.
  • Nietzsche mazes. Leitmotifs of his thought. ( Along with Éva Grépály ). In: Gerhard Schweppenhäuser, Jörg H. Gleiter (eds.): Nietzsche mazes. Perspectives on aesthetics, ethics, and philosophy of culture. Philosophical discourses 4 Publisher of the Bauhaus University, Weimar, 2001.
  • The betrayed thoughts / Like Nietzsche was first forged and then reconstructed. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 24. November 2001.
  • A text without end for the thinker. Studies on Nietzsche. Second, erw four studies. Ed In: Athenaeum Monographs / philosophy. Vol 260 Athenaeum Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 3-610-09241-6.
  • Nietzsche for Beginners: Ecce homo. A Literary Introduction by Rüdiger Schmidt and Cord Spreckelsen. dtv, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-423-30734- X.
  • : Nietzsche. Text - context. Ed Djavid Salehi and Rüdiger Schmidt- Grépály. Publisher of the Bauhaus University, Weimar 2000, ISBN 3-86068-134-6.
  • On the 100th anniversary of the death of Friedrich Nietzsche. In: Thuringian Museum booklets. Published by the Museum Association of Thuringia vV ninth year, 2000, second issue, pp 93ff.
  • Nietzsche think. In: Weimar Culture Journal. Volume 9, No. 10, Weimar, 2000, p 2
  • Philosophical Pocket Diary - yearbook on Conflict of the Faculties. 2 vols Edited by Rüdiger Schmidt and Bettina Wahrig - Schmidt. Luciferlag, Lübeck 1992.
  • Zarathustra ways. Text accompanying: Friedrich Nietzsche: Thus Spake Zarathustra. Read by Peter Wapenski. The Hörverlag, Munich 2000.