Rudolf Montecuccoli

Rudolf Graf von Montecuculi ( born February 22, 1843 in Modena, † May 16, 1922 in Baden bei Wien ) was an Imperial and Royal Austro- Hungarian Admiral and naval commander.


Rudolf Graf Montecuculi degli Erri graduated from the Naval Academy in 1859 and joined as a temporary naval cadet and active candidates for careers in the imperial Marine in service. In 1866 he was promoted to Midshipman line. He distinguished itself in the same year in the naval battle of Lissa from. In 1885 he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander, 1892 to scheduled ship captain. In the years 1894-1895 he was a board of naval Assay Office in Vienna, in 1897 he was promoted to rear-admiral. In 1900, he commanded the newly established Austrian East Asia Squadron, which was created for Austria - Hungary's participation in the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion. From 1901 he was Präses of marine technical committees and in 1905 admiral.

In his tenure as fleet commander from 1904 to 1913 were the modern battleships Viribus Unitis class, the light cruisers and more modern units such as the destroyer of the Tatra class submarines to be procured and promoted the Navy flying. Thus, the modern fleet has been created with the kuk Navy in the First World War took.
