Rudolf Steinberg

Rudolf Steinberg ( born June 23, 1943 in Cochem on the Mosel) is Emeritus Professor of Public Law. He was 2000-2008 President of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.


After the classical languages ​​High School in Gelsenkirchen Steinberg studied law and economics at the universities of Freiburg and Cologne and political science at the University of Michigan in the United States.. First State Examination in Freiburg in 1967, Second State Examination in Stuttgart 1973 1970 Steinberg was at the University of Freiburg with the theme " State and interest groups: interest groups in the Mirror of American and German literature and case law " doctorate. From 1970 to 1977 there just Assistant Professor in the Institute of Public Law, Prof. Dr. Konrad Hesse. In 1977 he habilitated with the work " policy and administrative organization: the reform of the governmental and administrative organization with special reference to supreme federal authorities in the United States of America."

From 1977 to 1980 he was Professor of Public Law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Hannover. From 1980 to 2000 taught Steinberg Public Law, Environmental Law and Administrative Sciences at the University of Frankfurt. Scientifically he dealt heavily with the government action and represented often in consensus at round tables to balance interests. In several nuclear regulatory proceedings before the Federal Constitutional and Federal Administrative Court, he represented the atom critical side. His particular interest was the planning law. He advised several state governments in the environmental, energy and nuclear law. In the last five years of his work as a professor, he was also active as a judge on the Constitutional Court in Weimar Thuringia. Steinberg was several years Liason Friedrich- Ebert -Stiftung.

Steinberg is married and has four children.

President of the Goethe University Frankfurt

February 16, 2000 Rudolf Steinberg was elected president of the University of Frankfurt and had to leave his teaching rest because of the heavy workload. The official launch took place on 21 June 2000. In February 2006, he was re-elected by a large majority.

During his tenure decisive structural changes were at the university. Rudolf Steinberg operation especially the move from campus Bockenheim on the Campus Westend and the Riedenberg campus, which was connected with a very extensive building activity and a lot of planning responsibility, as well as the transformation of the university from a corporation of the State of Hesse to a foundation university by public law. After taking office, the first high school development plan of the Goethe University was adopted by a large majority in the Senate after intense discussion. He was successful in attracting an endowment of 120 million euros, of external funding for research in the amount of 120 million euros and a large number of endowed professorships. In the first round of the Excellence Initiative, the University, in 2007 with three clusters of excellence in all areas of the University ( Natural Sciences, Humanities and Medicine ) position in the forefront of German research universities. Added to this was the implementation of the Bologna process. Many of these changes encountered in particular in the student body to considerable criticism, which continued until his adoption from office. But Steinberg's advocacy of tuition fees at universities in Hessen strain on the relations between him and the students sustainable. Among other things, he was accused to prefer the natural sciences and economics in relation to the humanities. Is at odds, however, that Steinberg especially promoted personnel intensively the structure of interdisciplinary research topic for Formation of Normative Orders involving the social sciences and humanities. Steinberg has also been successful in its efforts during his tenure to attract external funding, which it had not previously been to this degree at the University of Frankfurt.

Steinberg was almost nine years as president of the Goethe University, longer than any of his predecessors. He said one day after his 65th birthday, his resignation from the office of the university president on 31 December 2008., As his successor, Werner Müller- Esterl was chosen.

Writings (selection )

  • State and interest groups: interest groups in the Mirror of American and German literature and case law - a critical confrontation. Dissertation, University of Freiburg, 1970.
  • State and associations. On the theory of interest groups in industrial society. University Press, Darmstadt 1985, ISBN 3-534-07248-0.
  • Political and administrative organization: the reform of the governmental and administrative organization with special reference to the Supreme federal authorities in the United States of America. Nomos, Baden -Baden 1979, ISBN 3-7890-0462-6 ( Habilitation thesis, University of Freiburg, 1978); New edition: Berlin scientific -Verlag, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3-8305-0689-9.
  • Disarmament and arms control management in the Federal Republic of Germany. Writings on public law, Volume 425, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 1982, ISBN 3-428-05176-9.
  • The ecological state constitution. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1998, ISBN 3-518-58269-0.
  • The neighbor right of public facilities: protection against neighbor plan approvals and other assets of the public sector. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1989. ISBN 3-17-009933-7.
  • Sectoral planning. 4th edition, with winding Martin and Henrik Müller, Nomos, Baden -Baden 2012, ISBN 978-3-8329-7610-1.
  • The new University of Frankfurt am Main. Your new buildings and their return to the University Foundation. Societätsverlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2013, ISBN 978-3-942921-53-4.
  • The representation of the people: man and democratic system of government. Nomos, Baden -Baden, 2013, ISBN 978-3-8487-0317-3.


  • 2009: Hessian Merit
  • 2012: Honorary Medal of the City of Frankfurt am Main