Ruhlander Schwarzwasser

Ruhlander black water in Jannowitz

The Ruhlander Black Water is a left tributary of the river Schwarze Elster in Brandenburg and Saxony.


It rises in the Berndorfer community forest at Heide, a district of Wiednitz. In its further course to the west of the small river flows partly in Brandenburg, partly in Saxony. In the Ruhlander heath it forms the border between the two countries. Turn left opens also the Saleskbach that flow from the heathen villages Cosel, Grüngräbchen and large grave.

The black water then flows north through Jannowitz and Arnsdorf. It flows near the town Ruhland in the Schwarze Elster.


In Arnsdorf branches off the left hand side of the Sieggraben which also terminates below Ruhland in the Schwarze Elster.
