Rumble strip

Rumble strips (English rumble strips ) are part of the street furniture and serve to make the driver to certain dangers. The effect of the rumble strips based on the fact that can be transferred to the vehicle operator when passing to the vehicle tire vibration and noise. Rumble strips are used to limit lanes and roads and so prevent driver agreements, for example, due to fatigue, of the roadway. Furthermore, they serve as speed damping action of obstacles on the route, such as nodal points or tight curves.

Basically, there are two ways to install rumble strips on the road. The first possibility is the application of a road-marking, which has a corresponding thickness and / or surface structure. The second possibility is to mill grooves in the road surface.


The application of rumble strips is carried out in many countries. So these are used for example in the United States, Mexico, Denmark, Austria, Italy or France.


In the Netherlands, rumble strips have been used for 20 years, where the number of road deaths fell by about a third.


In Germany rumble strips are currently applied only tentatively or strongly separated. The famous rumble strips are milled into the base in Brandenburg on the A24 near Fehrbellin and heart leap. There, according to studies by the Federal Highway Research Institute, the decrease of accidents in sway during the test period by 43 percent, the number of severely injured car occupants fell by 15 percent.
