Runner's World

Runner's World is a German -language magazine and running on the market since 1993. It is the largest running magazine world.

The title was founded in the USA in 1967 and is now represented by eight international editions. In addition to the U.S. parent issue it appears in the UK, the Netherlands ( with Belgium ), Sweden, Germany ( Switzerland, Austria ), Italy, Spain, South Africa and Australia ( with New Zealand).

Focus of the monthly magazine are training advice with tips for beginners and advanced as well as advice pages of sports medicine topics to the food. A central place in the book take a product tests and surveys, especially on the topics of running shoes and clothing. In addition, round features, columns and comments, the range of topics.

The German edition is published monthly in the publishing house Rodale Motor Presse GmbH Co. KG, a joint venture of the American Rodale Press and the German Motor Presse Stuttgart, which is majority owned by Gruner Jahr. Editor in Chief Frank Hofmann, deputy editor Martin Gruening. The paid circulation of the German edition was according to IVW in 2006 at an average of 54 686 copies.
