Rupert of Bingen

Rupert of Bingen (c. 712; † around 732 near Bingen ) is a saint. He is patron of Bingen- Bingerbrück and patron of pilgrims. His feast day is May 15

According to legend, Rupert was born the son of pagan and Christian Robolaus prince's daughter Berta and was brought up after the death of the father by the mother in the Christian sense. At 15, he went on pilgrimage to Rome. After his return home he built on the lands of his family churches and houses. He lived with his mother on a mountain near the shore near the mouth of the Rhine near Bingen. He died about 20 years ago at a fever illness and was buried in the church who had let he and his mother built there.

The hl. Hildegard of Bingen, who adored Rupert and probably based on traditions Biography Vita Sancti Rupert wrote about his life, this church had renovated and built there a monastery Rupertsberg.

In the Thirty Years' War, his remains were brought to Eibingen in the Rheingau in 1814 on the Rochus near Bingen. His arm is as part of the Eibinger treasure relics in the church of " St. Hildegard and St. John the Baptist " in Eibingen kept in a glass reliquary in the southern nave.
