
Rupture (Latin ruptura, rupture, break ', from rumpere, tear ', engl rupture. ) Called in medicine, the rupture or the crack of an internal organ, a muscle, a vessel, a band or a tendon.


Ruptures are often due to external trauma, such as playing sports or a traffic accident. These ligaments are common as the cruciate ligament. Dangerous but are Organrupturen of kidney, liver, spleen ( splenic rupture ) due to loss of blood or a bladder rupture (tear of the bladder wall) in the urine intraperitoneally is emptied ( into the abdominal cavity) or extraperitoneal ( into the surrounding tissue ) and cause severe inflammation.

May rupture but also a result of illness or congenital tissue damage. Here belongs to illness the heart wall aneurysm after heart attack, congenital aneurysm of the vessel (often the aorta, for example, Marfan syndrome) or the Vein of Galen aneurysm in the newborn.

A well-known example of age or degenerative tissue injury is the Achilles tendon.

A completely other cause is present at the Eileiterruptur.


By the destruction of the tissue, there is loss of function. Tearing blood rich organs such as spleen or liver, or organs with rich blood vessel walls, it can come to the passage of blood. Rupture of hollow organs with keimhaltigem content generally lead to serious consequences such as sepsis or peritonitis. The sole release of digestive enzymes in Bauchorganrupturen can damage adjacent tissues.
