Russell Group

The Russell Group is an association of British universities.


The Russell Group was founded in 1994 to represent the interests of research- strong universities to the government and government organizations together. 18 of its 20 members are among the top 20 of UK universities according to research funds, and in 2004/2005 accounted for 65 % of the research funding provided by the British Hochschulfinanzierungsrat ( HEFCE ) on the local Russell universities. The Russell Group is often compared to the Ivy League, the group of elite universities in the USA.

The name " Russell " group derives from the fact that the first informal meeting of the group in London's Russell Hotel took place.

The group was from the outset for tuition and acted according to the controversial new Law on Higher Education in 2004 successfully made ​​the possibility of variable, additional fees. In response, the students of 19 universities formed their own parallel organization, the so-called Aldwych Group.

2012 ( officially August 2012) were added, the Queen Mary University (London), Durham, Exeter and York as new members.

