Rut (mammalian reproduction)

The term rut or estrus is a synonym for mating season. The word comes from the hunter language in terms of hoofed game (excluding wild boars ).

The rut occurs either once a year on ( monöstrisch ) or several times ( polyöstrisch ).

In various animal groups specific names have been established for the rut. Thus one speaks in

  • Elephants of musth, (probably no rutting )
  • Ducks birds of Reihzeit
  • Ferrets, foxes, badgers and wolves from the Ranz
  • Hares and rabbits from the Rammelsberg time
  • Domestic pigs and wild boar ( wild boar ) of noise time or intoxication
  • Dogs of heat or heat
  • Cats of heat or oestrus or Raunze
  • Even-toed ungulates ( hoofed game: deer and other deer, chamois and mouflon ) of rutting
  • Horses of Rossigkeit
  • Of cattle or cattle Bulligkeit
  • Mating behavior
  • Hunter language
  • Reproductive medicine in animals