
Oak Stromabecher ( Rutstroemia firma)

The Stromabecher ( Rutstroemia ) is a fungal genus in the family of Stromabecherverwandten with about ten species in Central Europe. The scientific genus name honors the Swedish scientist Carl Birger Rutström, member of the Swedish Academy.


The fruiting bodies are long - stalked, cup-shaped apothecia and spring singly or in groups from the stromatisierten plant tissue. The outer excipulum the apothecia has shaped to prismatic cells with a significant layer of gelatinised hyphae. Their consistency is therefore quite strong and tough. The spores are septate at maturity and multicellular. Often small secondary spores are cut off at the ends. The ascus pore is colored in purple Lugol. There shall be no sclerotia.


The Stromabecher colonize dead plant tissue that they stromatisieren and blacken thereby. Are known species on dead wood, leaf stems or fruit peels, but never the fruits are even inhabited.


Some authors reported the species in the genus similar Ciboria. Today it is but in my own family, asked the Stromabecherverwandten ( Rutstroemiaceae ). The type species is Rutstroemia company.


For Europe, the following taxa are known or expected.

