Sacramentum caritatis

Sacramentum Caritatis ( Sacrament of Love dt ) is a Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on 22 February 2007. Pope Benedict XVI. concerned in this letter with the " Eucharist as the source and summit of the life and mission of the Church". This apostolic letter summarizes the results of the 11th Ordinary Synod of Bishops from 2 to 23 October 2005 and together with it will be discussed basic orientations with which new Eucharistic pulses are to be taught.

  • 2.1 The liturgical reform
  • 2.2 to celibacy
  • 2.3 For approval of remarried divorcees to Communion
  • 2.4 To fidelity to liturgical norms
  • 2.5 for the sermon
  • 2.6 to Latin as the language of liturgy
  • 2.7 The social implications of the Eucharist

Structure and content

This extensive letter with its three main sections and over 256 comments and the link to his first encyclical "Deus Caritas Est " (God is Love) expresses the fact that the Eucharist is a mystery to which one believes that we celebrate and what you lives. These three ideas are described based and explains the principles adopted by the Synod of Bishops have been incorporated into this letter in an extraordinary thorough discussion.

The three main sections

I. Eucharist, a mystery to which one believes

II Eucharist, a mystery that we celebrate

III. Eucharist, a mystery to live

With this triad intends Pope Benedict XVI. to make the Eucharist the center of attention and he will thus emphasize the importance of the Eucharist for the Catholic Church. Likewise, he repeatedly documented to the positive influences of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council on the Church's life.

Core principles and priorities

In summary, it could be the following core statements (Note: The numbers indicate the numbering within the outline again) are highlighted:

For liturgical reform

" 3 In particular, the Synod Fathers have detected and confirmed by the realized since Vatican II liturgical reform has had on the Church's life the beneficent influence. As confirmed, the difficulties and also mentioned some abuses can not obscure the value and effectiveness of the liturgical reform, which involves not yet been fully explored treasures in themselves. "

To celibacy

"24 It is necessary to reaffirm the profound meaning of priestly celibacy, which is rightly considered a priceless treasure; [ ... ] In that election, namely the priest come in your own unique way his dedication which conforms him Christ, and his self-sacrifice exclusively for the kingdom of God expressed. [ ... ] Therefore, it is not sufficient to understand priestly celibacy in purely functional aspects. In reality, it represents a particular adjustment to the lifestyle of Christ himself dar. "

For approval of remarried divorcees to Communion

" 29 If the Eucharist expresses the irrevocable nature of God's love in Christ for His Church, it is understandable why they are the sacrament of marriage includes those indissolubility in relationship, after which every true love inevitably craves. [ ... ] The Synod of Bishops on the practice of Holy Scripture (cf. Mc 10:2-12 ), founded the Church, not to allow divorced and remarried to the sacraments, confirmed because their status and life situation objectively that union of love between Christ and his Church contradict that means in the Eucharist and is realized. "

For fidelity to liturgical norms

" 38 During the Synod work has been repeatedly pointed strongly to the need for any separation between the ars celebrandi, ie the art of right Zelebrierens, and the full, active and fruitful participation of all the faithful to overcome. [ ... ] With the emphasis on the importance of the ars celebrandi consequently also the importance of the liturgical norms significantly. The ars celebrandi must promote the sense of the sacred and avail themselves of external forms which educate this sense, for example, the harmony of the rite, the liturgical vestments, the furnishings and the holy place. "

For the sermon

" 46 The priests must prepare the homily carefully, by relying on an adequate knowledge of the Scriptures '. Superficially - general or abstract homilies should be avoided. In particular, I ask the minister to ensure that the homily brings the Word of God preached in such close connection with the sacramental celebration and the life of the community, that the word of God for the Church is really backing and life. "

For Latin as the language of liturgy

" 62 In order to bring the unity and universality of the Church better expression, I would recommend what the Synod proposed in accordance with the Second Vatican Council: It is good if in addition to the readings, the homily and the intercessions of the faithful celebration in Latin is held; as to the best known prayers from the Tradition of the Church in Latin spoken and possibly some parts are made of Gregorian chant. More generally, I ask that future priests are prepared by the seminar time important to understand the Mass in Latin and to celebrate and to use Latin texts and to use the Gregorian chant. [ ... ] One should not let the possibility in mind that the faithful be taught to know the most common prayers in Latin. "

The social implications of the Eucharist

" 89 In this context, it is necessary to express the relationship between the eucharistic mystery and social commitment clearly. [ ... ] With this in mind the desire to transform the unjust structures in order to ensure respect for the dignity of man, who is created in the image of God created. [ ... ] As I have pointed out elsewhere, it is not its own task of the Church to seize the political battle to to the most just society possible; still can not and must not remain in the struggle for justice away. [ ... ] The Synod Fathers have recalled that the sacrifice of Christ is a mystery of liberation that questions and challenges us continually. That's why I set up a call to all believers who truly peacemakers and copyright of justice to be. "

Thus Sacramentum Caritatis relates the Eucharist actually on all three dimensions of church life in preaching, worship, and social responsibility.
