
Under sacroiliitis is meant an inflammatory and destructive changes in the lower spine (joints between the sacrum and ilium, sacroiliac joints ). This chronic progressive inflammation of the sacroiliac joint ( Ileosacralgelenk, sacroiliac joint) is extremely painful, degenerative and can lead to steady postural ( diffracted walking / Hunched posture ). It is one of the manifestations of rheumatic diseases and hence the autoimmune diseases. It is not to be confused with the Iliosakralgelenksarthrose.

Scaling of Sacroiliitis

The degree scale of the observed X-ray image sacroiliitis, which was established in 1966 by an international panel of experts. It entered the modified New York criteria in 1984.

The sacroiliitis is one of the criteria for the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease ). Other inflammatory rheumatic diseases in which sacroiliitis can occur are the psoriasis arthritis Reactive arthritis (including Reiter's disease ), the undifferentiated spondyloarthropathy, and Behcet's disease. Even in chronic inflammatory bowel disease can occur sacroiliitis.
