Sahel Region

Sahel is one of 13 regions in the West African nation of Burkina Faso is divided administratively. Capital is Dori. The region lying to the north includes the provinces Oudalan, Séno, Soum and Yagha, which are divided into a total of 26 departments.

The region is located in the north of Burkina Faso in the Sahel region and comprises 36,166 km ². The climate is tropical humid change with a shorter rainy season than in the rest of the country. The vegetation of thorn bush savannah is sparse and almost entirely lacking in the semi- deserts of the extreme North. A large part of the province is part of the Réserve sylvo - pastoral de faune et partial du Sahel, the largest protected area of Burkina Faso.

The created in 2001, has 808 928 inhabitants Region ( January 2006). The dominant ethnic groups are Tuareg, Fulani and Bella.

Governor 's Bila Dipama.

The population lives mainly from agricultural activities, Tuareg and Fulani are known as ranchers.

In the cultural field, especially the arts and crafts skills of the Tuareg are worth mentioning.

Boucle du Mouhoun | Cascades | Centre | Centre- Est | Centre- Nord | Centre- Ouest | Centre- Sud | Est | Hauts- basins | North | Central Plateau | Sahel | Sud -Ouest

  • Region ( Burkina Faso)
  • Sahel ( Burkina Faso)