Saint Fabiola

Fabiola of Rome (* 4th century in Rome, † December 399 ibid ) was a Roman benefactress and saints.


Fabiola of Rome came from the noble family of the Fabians. From her first husband, who was her indeed befitting equal, but vicious, she divorced and that the exclusion from the Christian community of Rome meant. She married again, but after the death of her second husband she performed public penance and was readmitted to the church. Fabiola used their wealth to help the poor and the sick and set up with the support of Senator Pammachius a hospice in Rome, which can be regarded as the first hospital in the western world. She learned to know Jerome, followed him on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and lived there for some time in the monastery founded by St. Paula. She returned to the invasion of the Huns 395 returned to Rome and began its work in health care again, by building up a hospice for pilgrims.


Catholic and Orthodox: December 27,


The Holy Fabiola is praying in the penitential robe, usually depicted with the head to the left and in red robe. All the more piercing the few portraits out dressed in green.

The Belgian artist Francis Alÿs conceived an exhibition about the Holy Fabiola by accumulated close to 300 portraits in Europe and America. For this compilation he needed about 15 years. All images are entirely authentic and you do not know from which artists and for what time they come. Among other things, the exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery ( London) was seen. 2011 was the collection in Basel as an exhibition of the " show camp" to see the "House of the Cherry Orchard" ( March 12 to August 18 ).
