Saint Martial

Saint Martial ( also Martialis ) was the old tradition after the first bishop of Limoges. He came from the Orient and came, sent by the Pope, probably in the middle of the 3rd century AD, the Roman road over Bourges to Limoges. Gregory of Tours reported Martial was one of the seven bishops, who in the reign of the emperor Decius ( 249-251 ) had worked in Gaul. Over his grave the monastery of Saint -Martial 848 was founded.

In the period 990-1028 Martial was in the course of God's peace movement by a newly written for Vita cousin of St.. Simon Peter said to Jesus' disciples, to the participants in the Lord's Supper to the Ascension and Pentecost. He was henceforth one of the most important saints of France.

The feast of St. Martial is celebrated on June 30. The San Marzilian church in Venice is dedicated to him.
