
Saint- Souplet is a commune with 1292 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Nord, in the Nord -Pas -de -Calais. It belongs to the district of Cambrai and Le Cateau -Cambrésis Canton. The place is located 6 km from Le Cateau- Cambrésis, 30 km south-east of Cambrai and 86 km away from Lille. The city lies on the River Selle.


Saint- Souplet takes its name from Sulpicius II, Archbishop of Bourges († 647 ). Enguerrand de Coucy sold in 1272 Saint- Souplet to Margaret II, Countess of Flanders. 1336 was the site of King Philip VI. acquired. The Treaty of Conflans (5 October 1465), King Louis XI joined. the towns on the Somme, including Saint- Souplet, to Count Charles de Charolais from, the later Duke Charles the Bold of Burgundy. After the death of Duke Charles (1477 ) Saint- Souplet returns to the royal family, King Louis XII. gave it to the Lord of Gruuthuse, a little later, the place was owned by the Admiral Adolf of Burgundy ( † 1540), then his son Maximilian († 1558 ). About Maximilians sister Antoinette came Saint- Souplet Family Anneux who owned the place even more in 1789. Their coat of arms was the current coat of arms.


1973, the neighboring Escaufourt was incorporated, until then an enclave of the department of Aisne in the department of Nord.


Abancourt | Anneux | Aubencheul -au -Bac | Avesnes- les -Aubert | Awoingt | Banteux | Bantigny | Bantouzelle | Bazuel | Beaumont -en- Cambrésis | Beaurain | Beauvois -en- Cambrésis | Bermerain | Bertry | Bethencourt | Bévillers | Blécourt | Boursies | Boussières -en- Cambrésis | Briastre | Busigny | Cagnoncles | Cambrai | Cantaing -sur -Escaut | Capelle | Carnières | Catillon -sur -Sambre | Cattenières | Caudry | Caullery | Cauroir | Clary | Crèvecœur -sur- l'Escaut | Cuvillers | Dehéries | Doignies | Élincourt | Escarmain | Escaudœuvres | Esnes | Estourmel | Estrun | Eswars | Flesquières | Fontaine -au- Pire | Fontaine -Notre -Dame | Fressies | Gonnelieu | Gouzeaucourt | Haucourt -en- Cambrésis | Haussy | Haynecourt | Hem - Lenglet | Honnechy | Honnecourt -sur -Escaut | Inchy | Iwuy | La Groise | Le Cateau- Cambrésis | Les Rues -des- Vignes | Lesdain | Ligny -en- Cambrésis | Malincourt | Marcoing | Maretz | Masnières | Maurois | Mazinghien | Mœuvres | Montay | Montigny -en- Cambrésis | Montrécourt | Naves | Neuville -Saint- Rémy | Neuvilly | Niergnies | Noyelles -sur -Escaut | Ors | Paillencourt | Pommereuil | Proville | Quiévy | Raillencourt -Sainte- Olle | Ramillies | Rejet de Beaulieu | Reumont | Ribecourt -la-Tour | Rieux -en- Cambrésis | Romeries | Rumilly -en- Cambrésis | Sailly- lez- Cambrai | Saint -Aubert | Saint- Benin | Saint- Hilaire- lez- Cambrai | Saint -Martin- sur- Écaillon | Saint- Python | Saint- Souplet | Saint- Vaast -en- Cambrésis | Sancourt | Saulzoir | Séranvillers forums Ville | Solesmes | Sommaing | Thun- l'Évêque | Thun- Saint- Martin | Tilloy -lez - Cambrai | Troisvilles | Vendegies -sur- Écaillon | Vertain | Viesly | Villers -en- Cauchies | Villers- Guislain | Villers- Outréaux | Villers- Plouich | Walincourt - Selvigny | Wambaix

  • Municipality in Nord
  • Location in Nord-Pas -de- Calais