Saints Vitalis and Agricola

Vitalis and Agricola of Bologna Bologna are two saints of the Roman Catholic Church. They are regarded as martyr.


Agricola was a Christian nobleman in Bologna, Italy. During the persecution of Christians under the Roman emperor Diocletian he was captured because he converted his slave Vitalis to Christianity and was subsequently released as libertinus. Her death took place about the year 300 (304? ) In the amphitheater, first Vitalis, then Agricola on the cross.

Worship, iconography and Patrozinien

Your Memorial, Sancti Vitale et agricolae in Arena, is November 4th ( on the same day Vitalis of Milan is revered in Ravenna), also July 17. For the anniversary of the transfer of the relics after Najera in Spain also November 27 and 29 April are called.

Your Holy attributes are both with one hand in hand, because Vitalis on the cross " so often pierced [ was ] that he had more wounds as members. " And Agricola later the body parts of his companions took in to pass it as a relic.

Vitalis and Agricola churches

  • Santi Vitale e Agricola in Arena ( Bologna) - here are their sarcophagi