Sal languages

The Bodo - Konyak - Jingpho languages ​​( short Bodo - Konyak - Jingpho ) form a subgroup of the Tibeto-Burman languages ​​, a primary branch of the Sino Tibetan. The 30 languages ​​are spoken by 3.7 million people in North-East India, Nepal, Burma and southern China. Bodo - Konyak - Jingpho consists of three subunits forming the generally accepted genetic units: the Bodo -Koch or Malabar, the Konyak - Naga and the Jingpho - Sak or Kachin Luisch. The genetic unity of the Bodo - Konyak - Jingpho is confirmed by van Driem 2001, Matisoff 2003 and Thurgood 2003.

Classification and sub-units

  • Sino-Tibetan Tibetobirmanisch Bodo - Konyak - Jingpho Bodo -Koch or Barisch ( 2.3 million speakers)
  • Konyak - Naga or Naga North (300 thousand speakers)
  • Jingpho - Sak or Kachin Luisch ( 1.1 million speakers)