
Alpine Salamander ( Salamandra atra)

The salamander relatives ( Salamandroidea ) make the systematic classification a superfamily of salamanders ( Caudata or Urodela ) corner shows species collectively have the following anatomical features:

The vertebral bodies are shaped to amphicoel ophistocoel. The adults do not have gills holes or external gills; the palatine teeth are in two longitudinal rows.

The Salamandroidea include not only "typical" salamanders and newts, the Congo Eels ( Amphiumidae ) - their body shape is eel-like with four small stub -like legs and tiny toes reduced; they have a comb strip on the back and live purely aquatil.

The families of the salamander relatives:

  • Transverse tooth newts, Ambystomatidae Gray, 1850
  • Congo Eels, Amphiumidae Gray, 1825
  • Giant cross dental newts, Dicamptodontidae Tihen, 1958
  • Lung lots salamanders, Plethodontidae Gray, 1850
  • Olme, Proteidae Gray, 1825
  • Rhyacotritonidae Tihen, 1958