Sales per unit area

The concept of productivity per unit area is used primarily in retail and agriculture. It measures the ratio between each income or revenues and the surfaces used.

Area performance in the commercial

In the retail space productivity is usually defined as sales per m² of business or retail space per year. Although colloquially as often used in the trade, this term is associated with "productivity" economically unclean. Since the conversion of retail space to a large extent the result of its location, downtown locations generate eg higher sales per square meter as layers on greenfield sites, but the turnover per m² never expresses that productivity has this area, ie how much revenue or contribution margin on the surface were generated, is to speak " area coverage " correct in sales per square meter of a.

The area performance depends greatly on the conditions and our industry and business size. Due to the many years of development, that the available retail space in Germany is growing faster than sales of retail trade a decrease in the surface coverage of today 3,300 euros to 2,900 euros in 2010 is expected.

Land productivity in agriculture

Lower surface productivity One understands the amount of revenue in agriculture on a certain area - usually carried an indication of the yield quantity in quintals per hectare. The area of ​​productivity, for example through the use of fertilizers, aeration, draining the land, high breeding or growing of nitrogen Mehrern, eg Lupines, increased during the fallow. In intensively used agricultural land area productivity is mainly ensured by adherence to a changing crop rotation, since there is a leaching of nutrients in the soil very quickly by unilateral management ( monoculture ), which leads to a significant reduction in yield.

The productivity per unit area is related to the productivity of labor.


  • Agriculture
  • Retail