SalomÄ—ja NÄ—ris

Salomeja Neris (actually: .. Salomeja Bačinskaitė - Bučienė; * 4 Novemberjul / November 17 1904greg in the village Kiršai, community Alvitas, Rajon Vilkaviškis, Lithuania, † July 7, 1945 in Moscow) was a Lithuanian poet.


After graduating from high school, she studied Vilkaviškis 1924-1928 Lithuanian literature, German language and literature, pedagogy and psychology at the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy of Lietuvos universitetas in Kaunas. After her studies she worked as Lithuanian and German teacher at the Gymnasium in Lazdijai. After 1923 his first poems in 1927 and with Anksti ryta also published her first book publication, she was in 1931 as a poet, editor and translator working in Kaunas. She has published, among others, in the left avant-garde magazine Trečias Frontas.

On the occasion of the annexation of Lithuania to the Soviet Union she wore on August 3, 1940 in front of her poem Poema apie Stalina the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In 1941, she fled from the German army to Moscow, where she remained until 1944. They returned briefly to Kaunas, but succumbed to a 1945 liver cancer in a Moscow hospital.

Poetry collections

  • " Anksti ryta ", 1927
  • " Pedos Smely ", 1931
  • "Per lūžtantį Leda ", 1935
  • " Diemedžiu žydėsiu ", 1938
  • " Dainuok, širdie gyvenima ", 1943
  • " Lakštingala negali nečiulbėti ", 1945
  • " Baltais takeliais Bega Saulyte ", 1956
  • " Sirdis mana - Audru daina ", 1959
  • " Kur baltas miestas ", 1964
  • " LAUMES dovanos ", 1966
  • " Negesk žiburėli ", 1973
  • " Kaip žydėjimas vyšnios ", 1978