Salvatore Pelosi

Salvatore Pelosi ( born April 10, 1906 in Montella at Avellino, † 24 October 1974) was an Italian naval officer.

Military career

Salvatore Pelosi was educated at the Naval Academy in Livorno. He served, among others thereafter Italian East Asia Squadron (including on the battleship Caio Duilio and the Italian Navy command in Tientsin ). After a training course at the Naval Academy in Livorno, he served in several cruisers and destroyers.

At the outbreak of the Second World War he was commander stationed in the Red Sea submarine Torricelli. On June 23, 1940 he took there with superior British forces to the fight. After he was forced to surface, he added the British units with his cannon and the remaining torpedoes considerable damage. The crew rescued the badly wounded Pelosi from going under.

After the return from captivity, he assumed command of the destroyer 1948 Alfredo Oriani, 1951 then the Navy command in the Italian UN Trust Territory of Somalia. In 1969 he resigned as vice-admiral from active service.

A submarine of the Italian Sauro class is named after Salvatore Pelosi (the third contract section of the class bears his name as well).

  • Italian
  • Vice Admiral (Marina Militare )
  • Military person ( Regia Marina)
  • Person during the Second World War ( Italy)
  • Born in 1906
  • Died in 1974
  • Man