Samuel Holdheim

Samuel Holdheim (* 1806 in Kempen ( South Prussia, later Province of Posen ), today Kępno, Poland, † August 22, 1860 in Berlin) was a Jewish scholar and rabbi of Reform Judaism.

Samuel Holdheim was a rabbi in Frankfurt ( Oder), then in 1840 rabbi of Mecklenburg -Schwerin and in 1847 preacher in the 1845 reform cooperative founded in Berlin, as its most determined representatives he worked until his death. He died on 22 August 1860.

In addition to several volumes of sermons and smaller essays he published:

  • About the autonomy of the rabbis ( Schwerin 1843)
  • About circumcision First in religious - dogmatic relationship ( Schwerin and Berlin, 1844)
  • History of the origin and development of the Jewish Reform Congregation in Berlin (Berlin 1857).

After his death appeared a Hebrew treatise on marriage laws ( Maamar ha - ISUT, Berlin 1861).
