
Samyama (Sanskrit संयम SAM yama, " collection") is a technical term in the theory of yoga and refers to the unity of three contemplative exercises.

Origin and Meaning

Origin of the term is the Yogasutra of Patanjali:

" 1 spatial concentration of consciousness is " concentration " ( Dharana ), 2 the fact of thinking - directed to one strain is " sinking " ( dhyana), if it lights up only in an existing sense of appearance, 3 ( to be ) in its natural form as it is empty "enlightenment" ( Samadhi ) these three combined into one is " focusing of consciousness " ( Samyama ) "

The combination of Dharana (concentration), dhyana ( contemplation), and samadhi ( enlightenment) therefore has the goal of producing the unit with an ( imagined) object.

Samyama is regularly used by yogis different directions (eg Raja Yoga).
