San Felipe (Yaracuy)

San Felipe is the capital of the Venezuelan state of Yaracuy. Around 86,000 people live in San Felipe. The city is the seat of the Catholic Diocese of San Felipe. It lies in the valley of Uadabacoa.


1720 Capuchin friars built a mission station. San Felipe was founded in 1729. An earthquake in 1812 destroyed large parts of the city. Some ruins have been allowed to be aware of.


  • Rain forest is found in the Parque Nacional Yuribí.
  • In the center of the historic Park San Felipe El Fuerte is with ruins by the earthquake destroyed buildings.
  • In the park Exótica Tropical Flora, you can visit the reconstructed former Misión de Nuestra Señora del Carmen by 1720.
  • The Museo Carmelo Fernández is an interdisciplinary museum for visual arts in the region. It was opened in 1981.