San Pablo Province

San Pablo is one of the 13 provinces in the northern Cajamarca region in Peru. It is bounded on the north by the province Hualgayoc, to the east by the province of Cajamarca, in the south by the province Contumazá and to the west by the province of San Miguel. In it is the former temple Kunturhuasi.

Administrative division

The province is divided into four districts:

  • San Pablo
  • San Bernardino
  • San Luis
  • Tumbaden

Provincial capital is the city of San Pablo.


During the Salpeterkriegs Peruvian troops under Miguel Iglesias and Chilean troops fought on 13 July 1882 in the vicinity of San Pablo battle. In it were the Chilean troops which had held the zone occupied, be defeated.

- 7.1166666666667 - 78.816666666667Koordinaten: 7 ° 7 ' S, 78 ° 49 ' W

  • Peruvian province
  • Province in the Cajamarca region