San Remo conference

The Conference of Sanremo, was held to 26 April 1920 Italian Sanremo 19. On it, the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers (Britain, France, Italy and Japan) decided under the redivision of the defeated Ottoman Empire different mandates (Syria, Lebanon, Mesopotamia, Palestine). The aim of the mandate for Palestine was the implementation of the so-called Balfour Declaration of 1917 on the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people. The territorial boundaries of the mandates, the respective spheres of influence of France and Britain in the Middle East played an important role. This was preceded by the Sykes- Picot Agreement of 1916 and various declarations of the belligerents on the design of the postwar order. The conference took place against the backdrop of strengthened Arab nationalism, which sought an end to the de facto occupation state in the Middle East. The occupying powers, however, was located at a legalization of its leading role, which should be confirmed by the award of the League of Nations mandates.

France received the League of Nations Mandate for Syria and Lebanon awarded, while Britain received Palestine ( both sides of the Jordan ) and the British Mandate of Mesopotamia (Iraq ), including the Kurdish northern Iraq. The later separated from Jordan Palestine should have been asked by the Sykes- Picot under international administration.

The conference served among others the preparation of the Peace of Sèvres ( August 1920 ) with Turkey, but in the Treaty of Lausanne ( 1923) underwent a significant revision. The mandates were first made ​​by the Allied High Command, the ratification by the League of Nations took place on 24 July 1922.
