
Sanchin (Japaneseサンチンalso三 戦) is a kata in karate. It was developed by Higaonna Kanryo from China returned (Chinese origin: the style of the 18 Arhats, Japanese十八 罗汉拳, Jūhachi - rakan - ken). The name of the Kata is often "three battles " translated, making the body, consciousness and the mind are meant. Sanchin is like Tenshō also a basic kata ( kihon kata ).


From the kata Sanchin, there are two versions: an older built with two rotations and a modified, both of Chojun Miyagi, with pure forward and backward running.

Higaonna modified the original, pure open - hand version in the form we know today, in which mainly the closed fist is used. Sanchin contains essential elements of the Goju - Ryu. Here one learns to concentrate his force over a rather long running breathing. In addition, a strengthening of the muscles is achieved.

Sanchin in Uechi -Ryu Karate Do

The basis of Uechi - ryū is the Sanchin kata. Kanbun Uechi, the founder of Uechi - ryu Karatedo, used to say: "Everything is Sanchin " and " Sanchin alone earned 10 years of training ". When Master Uechi studied in China, he learned three years only Sanchin before him any other kata was taught. Sanchin should therefore never be altered or omitted in training.

The aim of the Kata

Sanchin is to form basic mental and physical ( physical ) principles. Therefore, the students in Sanchin should not search for techniques of self- defense, although these are very finely hidden present inside the Katabewegungen. In the Sanchin kata, the student will be tested for its safe position. It also examined how well the student can absorb punches and kicks. This ability is slowly learned in Kitae ( Abhärtungsübungen ) and enables the student to later insert very hard hits without taking damage. It's not just about Resilience. Kitae is also practiced in order to relax the muscles. Often the blows are too hard. It is important to surfaces that the trainee is not damaged.
