Sancho Alfónsez

Sancho Alfónsez (* around 1093, † May 29, 1108 before Uclés ) was the only son and designated heir of King Alfonso VI. of León - Castile from the House Jiménez.

His mother Zaida was a member of the Moorish dynasty of Seville and was probably since 1100 since 1106 at the latest in second marriage with Alfonso VI. been married by León - Castile. Under the name " Elisabeth ( Isabel ) " she was converted to the Christian faith and had thereby obtained all Would a Christian queen. Sancho was the only son in addition to a number of legitimate and illegitimate daughters of his father. On the occasion of a great Hoftages in León beginning in May 1107, he was officially designated by his father as heir. As such ( regnum electus patri factum ), he signed on May 14 1107 privilege of his father for the Bishop of Santiago de Compostela for their coins.

On 29 May 1108, the young Sancho led a counter-attack on the city Uclés, which had been a few days previously occupied by Moorish troops of the Almoravids. In a disastrous battle, he was, among other Castilian Great, including García Ordóñez killed. Alfonso VI. was determined in the following year, shortly before his death, his eldest daughter Urraca heiress.
