Santa Ana de Coro

Coro on the map of Venezuela

Coro is the capital of the Venezuelan state of Falcón with about 258,000 inhabitants and is located on the Caribbean Sea. Your full name is Santa Ana de Coro.


The city is located on the north coast of Venezuela. To the north is via the isthmus of the peninsula Médanos Paraguaná. In the northwest, the Gulf of Coro extends as a marginal sea of ​​the Gulf of Venezuela. The coastal area in the Netherlands Antilles: Aruba in the north and the north- east Curacao. In the south begins after a few kilometers the hills of the Sierra de Coro.

The next big cities are in the south and southeast Barquisimeto, Valencia.


The city was founded on July 26, 1527 by the Spaniard Juan de Santa Ana de Coro Ampiés as. The term " Coro " comes from the language of the Arawak word meaning " wind ". Coro was to 1547 - under the name of New -Augsburg - capital of Welser- colony of Little Venice, and later, the first diocese of Venezuela.

In August 1806 landed Francisco de Miranda - even before the wars of independence in Venezuela - with 500 men on the coast and took in Coro control. There he failed to persuade the population to support its aspirations and five days later he was expelled from the locals.


Coro is an important commercial center for the region. Economic importance of the petroleum industry.

Due to its numerous churches and mansions from the colonial era, such as the Arcaya House and the Cathedral (1528-1546), the old town of Coro and La Vela port 1993 has been declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site.

Due to severe storms in the years 2004/ 05 a number of damage was done in the city, also the historic buildings. Therefore Coro was registered in 2005 on the Red List of World Heritage in Danger. The Welterbekommittee had the registration, however, previously considered to counter the neglect of buildings and unregulated urban development. Was particularly criticized the plan for a new waterfront.

Other attractions include the Médanos, ie shifting sand dunes, which extend along the isthmus, the Coro connects with the Paraguaná Peninsula. To protect the Medanos National Park was established in 1974.

To the west of Coro significant fossils have been found since the 70s in the city Urumaco, since 2000, there is the Museo de Paleontológico Urumaco.

Air table
