Santa Ana Municipality, Beni

The municipality of Santa Ana del Yacuma (short: Santa Ana ) is an administrative district in the Bolivian department of Beni.

Location in near space

The municipality of Santa Ana is one of two Municipalities of the province Yacuma and lies in the southern part of the province. It is bordered to the west by the province Ballivián, to the south by the province Moxos, on the east by the province Mamoré, and to the north by the municipality of Exaltación.

Largest city and administrative center of the province is Santa Ana del Yacuma at the mouth of the Río Yacuma in the Río Mamoré with 12,944 inhabitants ( 2001) on the northeastern edge of the municipality.


The municipality of Santa Ana is located in the Bolivian lowlands, its rivers belong to the basin of the Amazon basin. The region belongs to the area of the semi-humid tropics, the climate is hot and humid for most of the year.

The average annual temperature is 27.3 ° C, the monthly values ​​vary only slightly between 25.5 ° C in June / July and 28.3 ° C in October / November. The annual rainfall at 1645 m are roughly twice as high as in Central Europe. A short dry season from June to August, monthly values ​​of less than 35 mm is compared with a moisture time to March identifies precipitation values ​​greater than 200 mm of December.


The population of the municipality of Santa Ana has declined in the past two decades by about a quarter:

The population density of the municipality in 2001 was 0.9 inhabitants / km ², the proportion of the urban population 69.0 percent.

The life expectancy of newborns in 2001 was 66.9 years.

The literacy rate for those over 19 years is 88.7 percent, and 92.2 percent, although in men and 85.0 percent for women ( 2001).



The municipality has an area of ​​20,897 km ² and is divided into two cantons ( cantones ):

  • Santa Ana del Yacuma - 14,870 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • José Agustín de Palacios - 3,784 inhabitants ( 2001)