Santi Fabiano e Venanzio a Villa Fiorelli

The church of Santi Fabiano Venanzio ( Fabiani et Sanctorum Venantii ad locum vulgo "Villa Fiorelli " ) is located on the Piazza di Villa Fiorelli in Rome. The patron saint of the church is the Holy Fabian.

In 1936 the church was built. Clemente Busciri Vici had they designed with three naves, narrow aisles and a slightly slanted roof lying.

On March 5, 1973, the Church by Pope Paul VI was. elevated to titular church. From 1973 to 1988, was the titular church of Cardinal and former Mainz Bishop Hermann Volk. Since 1991, the title of the Slovak Cardinal Ján Chryzostom Korec holds.
