
Sarcolemma ( to Greek σάρξ sarx = flesh ) is the general name for the cell membrane of the muscle cell.

On its inside, which is a key protein dystrophin outsourced to, which contributes to the stabilization of the cell membrane. The absence of dystrophin causes muscle weakness, so muscle tissue is replaced by connective tissue and fat (see muscular dystrophy). In addition, the cell membrane forms tubular folds, which far into the sarcoplasm (equivalent to the cytoplasm ) rich. One calls these folds transverse tubules ( T-tubules ), with the longitudinal system the duplicate (L- tubules, calcium storage ) are connected. Thus, in skeletal muscle results in a triad which is important for the Muskeleregung ( by calcium influx ) in the skeletal muscle. In the striated cardiac muscle L- tubules surrounding the myofibrils in all its length and the T-tubules attached on one side only. They form a dyad with the T-tubules.

In the absence of the protein dystrophin

Without the protein dystrophin which Zytoskelettverbindungen go to the extracellular matrix is lost, so that the muscle cell loses its stability and cracking. Thus, calcium continuously flow into the muscle cell and it comes to the duration of contraction, which then has muscular dystrophy result.

  • Cell Biology
  • Histology of connective and supporting tissue