Sather Gate

The Sather Gate and Bridge, a well-known symbol of the University of California at Berkeley, located in the south of the campus, the Sproul Plaza separated from the bridge over Strawberry Creek, leading to the central area of ​​the campus. The gate, was its completion in 1919, was donated by Jane K. Sather, a benefactor of the University, in memory of her husband Peder Sather.

Designed fed the ball John Galen Howard. At the archway designed by Professor Earl Cummins bas-relief figures were 8, attached: 4 naked men representing the disciplines of law, medicine, philosophy, and mining and four naked women who embody the disciplines of agronomy, architecture, art and electronics. Because of public indecency, the figures but soon had to be removed. 67 years later, however, they were rediscovered and reinstalled.

Originally, the Sather Gate terminus of Telegraph Avenue and thought as the southern entrance to the university campus. However, the University expanded later addition in southern direction over the Strawberry Creek, whereby the Sproul Plaza today separates the city from the Berkeley Sather Gate.

The gate is California Historic Landmark No. 946 and No. 82,004,649 of the National Register of Historic Places.
